Publication Date-MAY,2013
Genre: Mature YA Contemporary
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Secrets never stay in the past.
The night before high school graduation changes everything. Lies are told. Mistakes are made. Secrets tucked away. Lives are changed in the span of a few hours.
A year later, Haley is still reeling, numb with the constant ache of guilt. She's in a place she never expected to be: lost without her friends and Seth. Until he enters her life again, dredging up everything she's trying to forget. Everything about that night.
Seth returns to his hometown determined to share his truth, his side of the story. He desperately needs to make things right with Haley, even if it means losing her forever. Because the truth will ruin any chance of her ever loving him again.
Except neither of them are prepared for the shock of what really happened the night before graduation.

About the Author:
Kate Ashton is the author of the contemporary YA, Every Little Piece. She writes about relationships and love, heartache and healing. And everything in between. Author LinksGoodeads
Review by Brenna:
Where do I start? Where to Begin? Humm... Let's start with the cover and work our way in. The first time I saw the cover for EVERY LITTLE PIECE I knew I want to read it. I thought hey that looks like my kind of book. After I read the synopsis I kept on shaking my head yes thinking this is a book I would like to read. I was lucky enough to get a e-Arc of EVERY LITTLE PIECE from Kate Aston (the author). I couldn't put it down. Although when I read the synopsis I thought it was going to be about a different sort of problem then what it ended up being. I'm not complaining one bit because I still enjoyed it!
It start off with the two main character Haley and Seth on Graduation night, This story is told in two POV. That of Haley and Seth. The chapters flip back and forth between the two. I especially enjoy the two person POV because you get to see and feel what is going on between the two main characters.They both have their problems that are best understood when read in their POV. So on Graduation night Seth receives some bad news that sends him into a down whirl spiral and instead of turning to Haley for advice and comfort, He choose to drink his sorrow and pain away at this huge party. Which leads to him being drunk and mean. He feels that the only way to clear his head and to prove to everyone that he isn't drunk is to get behind the wheel of his mom's van and drive.
Well we all know drinking and driving do not mix. One of Haley's best friends 'Brin' tells her that Seth left the party with a girl classmate. Haley is still fuming over the fight she had with Seth prior to him leaving the party but that's not why she is frantic about finding him nor is it the fact that he may be cheating on her. No, She focus solely on the fact that he is now on the road driving drunk.
She get's her other best friend 'Kama' to let her take her car so she may go looking for Seth. Of course her best friends Brin and Kama want to come along and help! They all get into the car and the rain starts to pour down. Driving around town trying not to panic but not knowing where Seth might be she rushes through the rain. The unthinkable happens when the car begins to hydroplane, She can't seem to get it to stop and then...
She wake up in the hospital.
Not sure what happened the night before Seth wakes to find himself at home. Unaware that anything has happened to Haley or her Best friends. Later on he finds out that he hit something in his mom's van. The whole front of the van was in ruins. He later finds out what happened to Haley and her best friends. He feels he may be responsible since he over heard a conversation about a hit and run accident while at the hospital when he goes to see Haley. He chooses not to visit her while she is in the hospital because he feels he may be the reason she is in there. They slowly drift apart because of pain and lies of each others secrets.
Haley while still in the hospital finds out some heart shattering news about her two best friend ( yes you might just cry at this part!) She blames herself and goes into a depression bubble. For the next year her and Seth have been a part. She has been working in a restaurant by the beach and He working on a ranch out west. When he comes back and she sees him her whole world turns upside down.
In the End it all works the way I wanted it too! I was very pleased with the ending of EVERY LITTLE PIECE. I would tell you the best part of the ending but I dont want to spoil anymore for you so you will just have to pick up EVERY LITTLE PIECE and read it!! If only there could be a little novella of How Seth and Haley's life is together 10 years later that would be Awesome. * Cough* Kate? Think about it*cough* hehe what can I say I'm a romantic at heart. EVERY LITTLE PIECE is a heartfelt story that will make you cry, smile, and melt your heart with love.
It's a must read!
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed my review and I hope it helps make the decision of reading EVERY LITTLE PIECE by KATE ASHTON a little easier for you to make! I currently still have a giveaway going on to win a copy of EVERY LITTLE PIECE! Check out the Blog Blitz for EVERY LITTLE PIECE HERE
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